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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Where Will I Reside

Great news, folks (aside from the fact that I'm finally off my duff and updating the blog for the first time in like, a dog's age):

Over the past year, I took a gander and applied willy nilly to a number of artist residency programs in and around the United States, with the bloated fantasy of me perched on a wooded hillside, ensconced in a cabin stocked with a woodburning stove, striking matches for candles to illuminate the desk as I scratch out the Shig biography on parchment, snacking out of a gingham lined picnic basket....

Well all in all, I've sent out something like ten applications and have so far received three rejections, one wait list notification, and lo and behold, TWO acceptances! That means that I get to live out these feeble plans of mine to find my inner quill pen and knock this manuscript out somewhere not here at home.

July-September 2009, I'll first be an artist in residence high in the desertscapes of New Mexico at the Wurlitzer Foundation in Taos, where I've also stalked out a local letterpress printer and essentially barged my way into a temporary letterpress apprenticeship in addition to the writerly time

October 2009 Not an official artist residency, but I'm stinking up the guest room of my dear friend Beth in the wildlife choked plains and mountains of Yellowstone National Park 

And finally, word just came in the post last week that I have been offered a chance to lollygag with the best intelligent, artsy minds at the Vermont Studio Center, located in Johnson, Vermont.

Three states I've never been privy to; three chances to fulfill the "get the book done, already" urges that are dinning at increasing decibels in my head. I'm waiting to hear one way or another on two or three more who knows where I'll call home next. The sad part is that after four nourishing years in this gorgeous apartment on 28th street that I've hung my hat and sheltered my snake, I'm packing and giving the place up. This place near Highland has treated me exceedingly well and I won't blush when I say that I owe this sun-dappled home of mine a great deal of effusive gratitude.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god! I can't believe you were so modest and didn't speak a word of this wonderfulness when I saw you in South Pas. Your year is going to kick ass! I am inspired to start sending out a few residency apps of my
