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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Three Day, NYC Blowout in Honor of Thy Chapbook

caption: not an Asian American publication, nor a poetry platform, but a design primer that will blow your eyeballs out. Will Bradley's American Chapbook ran only a half dozen or so issues, but are a mandatory part of any fine printer/print designer's education. MUST READ. Photographed at the San Francisco Public Library Special Collections.

Continuing this marathon blogging update, I am also pleased to report that I will be sullying the streets of Manhattan late April through early May for a couple of literary reasons, keeping clear of papercuts....

Firstly, I have been invited to participate in this incredible conglomeration of poets and print fanatics for the Festival! of the Chapbook! I can hardly contain my glee and pee when I just say those words outloud. Have bonefolder, will travel.

A Celebration of the Chapbook festival calls attention to the rich history of the chapbook and highlights its essential place in poetry publishing today as a vehicle for alternative poetry projects and for emerging authors and editors to gain entry into the literary marketplace. The festival will forge a new platform for the study of the chapbook inside and outside the academy and celebrate the importance of chapbooks to America's cultural heritage and future.


Saturday April 25, 2009 
I am giving a workshop/lecture at the Asian American Writers Workshop on Asian American chapbook poets and publishers over the decades, and hope to incorporate as much hands-on goodness as possible. I'll be bringing four stone's weight in ye olde chapbooks from various archives, which I hope the group will be able to thumb carefully and critique. Given that I am one part historical, one part book arts, and two parts publishing--I have too many ideas as to how this can all unfold, but fortunately I'm limited to one hour only.

The rest of this astonishing event, which will include vast panels of people talking about the history of chapbooks, modern chapbookery, and publishing chapbooks both for the poet and the publishing house, is listed here.

Then, as if my luck hasn't totally shriveled up, dessicated to a husk just yet I get to stay for another week to escort Australian novelist Brian Castro on his first U.S. book tour ever, as part of my job as publicity and outreach for Kaya Press. Brian's award winning novel, SHANGHAI DANCING, will be released this spring, and as a way to introduce him to American readers, he is embarking on a giddy four-city tour, with yours truly as his own personal lapel straightener and sitter at card table selling copies of the book!

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