"End of an Error" Moe!sters

I realize I haven't added any gist to this mill in nearly a month, but rest assured dear stealth readers, I have not been a sloth! 

A new year, a new Moe! Staiano poster commission (I think this is the fourth Moe! linocut letterpress poster I've done so far). This upcoming show at Oakland's Uptown promises to usher George W. Bush outta town in style, with a debut composition performed by Moe!kestra entitled "The End of an Error".

Tuesday, January 20th, 2009
1928 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland
9 p.m.
$5 donation in the hat!

Best part was that he paid me entirely in $2 bills, stuffed into a envelope with a rubberband, drug style, PLUS I got a delicious vinyl Mute Socialite 45, half licorice, half orangcicle out of the job. Thank you, Moe!

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