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Saturday, November 08, 2014

Heyday's squid ink broadside

2014 marks the 40th anniversary of the cultural institution that truly built my career, the amazing Heyday— publishers of books about California and the West. As many of you know, I was first an employee of this venerable institution (hired at the tender age of 29 as a bookkeeper and as special events coordinator of the now defunct "California Poetry Series"), before I became an author/editor of several titles published by Heyday and finally in 2012, I joined the organization's board of directors.

I was lucky enough to celebrate Heyday's 30th anniversary, and am honestly stunned to realize that another ten years have already passed. In honor of the occasion, our founder's biography/memoir, "The Heyday of Malcolm Margolin: The Damn Good Times of a Fiercely Independent Publisher" was released this year and we threw a blow-out gala anniversary party last Saturday at the Berkeley Art Museum. Nearly 500 guests were in attendance, and we raised over 100k for a series of children's books.

For my small contribution, I illustrated and hand guests pull their own prints of a quote by our very own Malcolm Margolin, which was mined from a recent interview in one of the top trade magazines, "Publishers Weekly." The entire interview can be read here.

The illustration was done last minute, and I had four days to illustrate, two days to get the design completed, and two days to have plates made for my press, Design by Rebecca Legates; Polymer platemaking by Logos Graphics.

Loading and setting up my 250lb platen press for the party took some serious work but hey! I wore a good dress.

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