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Saturday, July 05, 2008

BookWorks at the San Francisco Public Library

The books are in the cases, lit and in full glory over at the San Francisco Main Public Library....111 outrageously beautiful and wierd books handmade by book artists from around the world. This is my third, count 'em, THIRD time organizing the show, and I don't know if I get better at it as much as I get seasoned. For anyone who has an appetite for remarkable range of books in their myriad possible forms, sculptural, traditional or otherwise, I highly recommend checking it out- I think it just might explode your notions of what a book can be.
BookWorks exhibition is on the 6th floor Skylight Gallery of the SF Main and will be up until September 26th. Just a hop across the street from Civic Center BART.

For some photos of the cases (courtesy of ace photographer Kate Godfrey), go right here: 

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