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Monday, July 02, 2007

1000 plus cranks!

Finished printing 500 covers (two colors) for Kearny Street Workshop's Intergenerational Writers Series chapbook, "12 Ways". It was a last minute print job, since the letterpress printer they had lined up couldn't do the job after all. Turns out that it was better at any rate, since she only had a small hand platen Kelsey which really would have been a nightmare for this job. The polymer plates themselves were about 9.5 x 13.5, barely fitting on the largest magnets I had access to. Even on the Vandercooks, this was a tough job to do in two print runs.

Spent all day Friday cutting paper (sleepily. Sam and I both need coffee before measuring in the morning) and mixing inks, getting the alignment set. Saturday night, I was back on the presses and finished the job at around 11:30. Then the real nightmare began, when I discovered that I didn't know how to lock the front doors to the Center. Let's just say we came up with a hoop-dee solution, and Sam saved my ass the next morning. (sound effect of much air being released from pressure gauged head).

Artwork and design by Mark Baugh-Sasaki. Letterpress printed using polymer plates, two color inks.

12 Ways: a reading and book release
A collaboration of Kearny Street Workshop, Intersection for the Arts and Galeria de la Raza
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
7-9 p.m.
KSW's space180, 180 capp street, 3rd floor @ 17th street, SF


  1. Holy gratitude, Patty Wakida! You are a rock star. I got an email of an email of an email from Sam on her woes and KSW'ing needs and tried to give her some leads, but didn't hear from her again--cuz you saved the day, it looks. The covers look damn gorgeous. I was already excited to have some of my poems amongst some talented writers from IWL, but now I am doubly honored. Will you be coming to the reading on Wed?
    --Debbie (we've met via AAWAA before)

  2. Hear, hear. I don't usually judge a book by its cover, but. I never thought about the cover but it feels good to have my work in such an attractive package. Thanks

  3. My apologies to you both- but I'm whisking myself away to Japan next Monday the 9th, and thus, unable to come to the reading and book release. I know, I know, a thousand whips with an egg noodle are in order.
