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Friday, May 25, 2007

Outside Delano

I've finished carving four out of the five blocks for my new book, "Outside Delano", a series of seven haiku on migrant workers in California's Central Valley. The book will make its premiere at next weekend's Art Murmur, specifically at the Rock, Paper, Scissors gallery book arts exhibition. If all goes well, I will be printing the blocks and poems onto papers using the turkish map folds/accordion binding, but let's see how the printing on my press goes tomorrow.

What's unique about this particular book is that it is the first time that I am using my writing entirely as the text- I wrote this series of poems many years ago and have only just now illustrated and found them a suitable home.

Here are those raw, freshly carved blocks for ogling.

1 comment:

  1. I am definitely OGLING!!!! LOVE IT.

    do remember these writings from way back ... strawberries... fruition, yes.

    am THRILLED to see these put to woodblock art and honoring of migrant workers...
