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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

APA book fest in los angeles

that's right, the Asian Pacific American Book Festival in Los Angeles (with cherry blossoms subbing in as 'o's) is a mere two months off. us san francisco literary types are gonna rent a big ol' bookmobile and hustle highway 99 to make a big stink in the city!

a whole bunch of writerly types will be doing free readings, workshops, and panels (i'm slated to speak on some crazy panel myself). Book signings, poetry readings, writng workshops, book vendors, wheeee! A complete listing of such and such from so and so will be listed here. soon. watch me.

Saturday, May 12, 2007
11 a.m.- 4 p.m.
at the Japanese American National Museum
369 East First Street- Little Tokyo- Los Angeles, CA

for more information visit

mad poppies

since i have all this crazy extra chipboard in the garage (leftover paper from the pig calendar), I'm printing them with linoblocks on one side, and printing my business card business on the other.

here's the poppy print, which I kept intact, since it would make a purdy nice postcard for a righteous, sweet penpal.

Monday, March 19, 2007

laurel music festival poster

i didn't have a lot of time, and there are clearly things I'd fix on this design, but all in all I'm pretty ok with the illustration and look of it. For one, I would have hand drawn the instruments and stuck a drum in there somewhere...but oh well, the deadline was March 15th and I barely squeaked in. Good practice, me thinks. Now let's see if my poster design is actually chosen...